Animal farming, Meat, Meat processing, Infrastructure
There are 7027 enterprises presented on our web portal!
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Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to offer you the “Priority” advertising package:
  1. Priority layout of your company information in “Companies” catalogue.
  2. Business press releases publication on the web portal throughout the year.
  3. Placement of all company product categories in “Products” column.
  4. Placement of product and service catalogues in “Information” section.
  5. One banner development and placement on the web portal (except for home page).
Cost - 29 000 rubles a year.

Additional placement of banners for the “PRIORITY” packet:

  1. On home page - 68 000 rubles a year and more.
  2. Inside sections - 6 000 rubles a year and more.

Please be reminded, that placement of information on companies, news block, advertisements, vacancies on the website is free of charge.

Owners of the “PRIORITY” packet:

Agro- Belogorye
Meat-packing factory Chernyshovoy
Myasnye Industrialnye Sistemu (Meat Industrial Systems)
Nizhegorodskiy khleb (Nizhny Novgorod Bread)

Concerning all questions about information and advertisement placement, please, e-mail us to myaso.portal@gmail.com or call +7-916-318-70-31 Oleh Shevchenko.